Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue ICenOCon
As the organization rapidly expands, so will it be a growing temptation for antisurvival elements to gain entry and infiltrate, and attempts to plant will be made.
To foil these, all staff members must be alert to attempts of this nature and it is their duty to inform the Technical Director, or above, of any doubts they may have and to see that the necessary action is taken.
The Technical Director, working in liaison with HCO, now becomes in charge of security in an organization and the results of which are to be notified to the Assoc/Org Secretary and HCO and, after confirmation, thence to me.
Forms 7A* and 7B* for staff, and Form 5A* for HPA/HCA students, are herewith supplemented by the Rock Slam Security Check and this is to be carried out exactly in accordance with HCOB 12 Sept. 62. To increase reality in some cases, it may be necessary to substitute “Consider committing bad things to …” rather than “Consider committing overts against . . .” In very rare cases it may be necessary to increase the number of buttons but this is to be the exception rather than the rule. In the vast majority of cases, just use the four questions only,
as per this bulletin.*Form 7A: a Security Check form, given in HCOB 28 Sept. 61, HCO WW SECURITY FORMS 7A AND 7B, in the Technical Bulletins volumes.
*Form 7B: a Security Check form, given in HCO PL 18 Sept. 61R, HCO WW SECURITY FORM 7B on page 610 in this volume.
*Form SA: a Security Check form, given in HCO PL 1 Nov. 61, HCO WW SECURITY FORM SA in the Technical Bulletins volumes.This Security Check must be done with full auditor presence, be done in Model Session and the beginning rudiments especially must be properly in.
Those partaking in staff clearing programs can be given this check during one of their sessions by their usual auditor. In the event of any doubt, the Technical Director may also make arrangements for a further check to be done.
Those not partaking in any staff clearing program must be checked by a skilled and reliable auditor under the direct supervision of the Technical Director.
This program will simultaneously also handle picking up missed withholds of old-time Scientologists returning to the orgs of whom we can expect a great number, the Security Check being given in proper Model Session and the missed withholds being pulled in the beginning rudiments.
When a rock slam is reported as a result of this Security Check, a further check should be done to the satisfaction of HCO to confirm the fact.
Action to be taken to handle a rock slammer:
1. If a staff member, suspend from any executive post and any post which involves important action on the communication lines of Scientology. Such a person may however still be used, at the discretion of Assoc/Org Sec and HCO, in a subordinate position under reliable supervision. He is to remain in this position until his goal has been found, when the situation will again be reviewed.
2. A student on the HPA/HCA Course (or any other Professional Course) who is found to be a rock slammer should be suspended from the course and ordered to the HGC for auditing.
3. HGC preclears should be checked early on in their intensives to ascertain whether this condition exists.
4. In a clearing co-audit, rock slammers should be segregated so that they are auditing each other, as far as possible, so that they do not hold back other members of the co-audit who are not rock slammers.
Remember, that this program should not be regarded as just a passing phase. It is to be instituted immediately and kept in force in all orgs throughout the world for our secure and speedy expansion.
Insidious methods are used to infiltrate, and especially at times when expansion is fast and it is thought that our security arrangements are lax or apparently being relaxed owing to pressure of work.
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. ↩
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