Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO INFORMATION LETTER OF 28 FEBRUARY 19691; 2
BPITo: All Orgs
From: Ron
Subject: Ron’s Journal 1969, No. 1
I have been studying the subject of modern government. As you know I was trained in this subject (in one of the Universities the reporters say I never went to).
Nearly every major country in the “free” world has been sporadically at war, by which I mean guns and soldiers, in one place or another since 1945.
Only one country has not. That is Russia. Her 2,000,000 man army, amongst all major armies, has only had two brief actions — Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Instead she engages in guerrilla support or insurgency attacks by local partisans over the world. She is engaged in this and continual propaganda attacks. By this she has kept in action all other major armies serving as “security forces”, in “brush fire wars” or revolts.
Obviously the lesson is plain. To defend an area one must attack.
All other major actions are fighting within their own territories or on those of allies. They are fighting on their own soil or that of allies. They are losing. There isn’t a ripple in the Russian homeland.
So in this universe the winning tactic must be to attack. The losing tactic must be to only defend.
These “brush wars” are inflating the funds of rather extravagant western powers. It cost France £1 million a day to combat (and lose to) guerrilla forces in Algeria. It is costing the US $40 billion to $50 billion a year to “police” Vietnam. That was the total national budget a few years ago! Thus Russia is wrecking western currency and economics as well.
But the main thing I have scouted out is that these guerrillas or insurgency forces who start these “brush wars” have to have a powerful cause. It has to be powerful enough to attract large portions of the local population.
The “free” world invalidates these insurgent causes. But a cause great enough to bear one’s breast to western machine guns, to starve and die for, must be quite a cause.
If such a cause can generate such local support and eventually win over whole populations, then it must be founded on real, not imaginary, abuses.
No guerrilla force agitator can build total support with empty slogans. There has to be sound solid reasons that each supporting member of the population can know for truth out of his own personal experience.
So there have to be abuses on the part of the governing forces. There must have been abuses for a long time. And nobody in the government did anything about them. And so [slogans or no slogans,] lies or no lies, there had to be real factual abuses. Enough to bring about revolution.
Western powers have not been subject to any “divine doubt”. They know they are so right it hurts. They never seem to question their own actions or procedures. They just back them up with guns and troops.
Obviously if a prime requisite of guerrillas is a cause, then what’s needed is a bigger and better cause on the part of the Government.
And it isn’t there. And its lack is costing them money, men, the cold war.
In Kenya they defeated the Mau Mau, gave loyalty certificates to a lot of the population — then lost the whole country and the holders of the certificates were killed. All for lack of a government cause, strong enough to be fought for.
So, this makes us review, in light of our own experience, the whole subject of western government.
One finds that they are governments by pressure groups, which is to say, vested interests. Some time ago they ceased to be governments of the people and became governments by the pressure group, of the pressure group and for the pressure group.
These pressure groups (such as the psychiatrist or the “international banker”) are often very vicious, quite mad. With bribery, terrorism, false reports, and 3rd Party actions such groups drive the politician into attacking the population, whether by easy seizure of persons or oppressive taxation or merely over-regulation and over-inspection.
In 1945 with the advent of atomic bombs, governments could no longer meet the definition of a sovereign power which is “protect the land and people from foreign aggression”. There is no real defense against these bombs and 12 nations are now possessors of them.
So for this and other reasons, governments apparently cased to protect the individual and the average social group. Instead they begun (in their derangement) to attack them. In small ways or large, the attacks were real. They required defending against in slow, biased courts at great expense.
It was almost as if governments in most cases were trying to force a revolutionary action into being.
The main problem of the individual or group, harassed, left without protection, over-regulated, subjected to abuses without any protection from the government, is to keep from becoming a revolutionary individual or group.
In our own case, if we had less stability, we would have joined forces with some revolutionary group, driven there by harassment. We are, in policy and fact, refusing to become revolutionary.
Governments, responding to pressure groups, would have us driven underground and into the arms of some insurgent activity.
Now if we experience this, we are not alone. Attacked for nothing, we tend to individuate or introvert. But if you call around to other groups you will find we are more successful in defending ourselves and are suffering less attack than they are.
Cheerily, we would have helped our governments for the last two decades. We had real help to offer. Even our support as a religious group would have been valuable and often was. We also had real technical help for them in their most pressing problems. And every action from any government so far is not only no protection but also outright attack. For no crime not even a
misdemeanor, we have been ridiculed, mocked, fought and knocked around by our governments who followed the orders of the pressure groups.
So these Western governments are capable of gross abuses. Governments that attack writers, religions, peaceful social groups are never long for this world. When they attack Scientology, the highest level of mental tech on the planet, and actively support and finance the sordid seizure, torture and death of psychiatric victims they must be utterly mad themselves.
So what’s this cause they offer? Some insurgent group comes up with any cause at all and the population goes for it.
In other words they are all being attacked so they identify themselves with anyone else being attacked.
If the attacked group has shown spirit and defiance and attacked the government in its turn you then have a revolution.
As oppressive governments have no real cause anyone that anyone would really fight for (who wants to protect the puppets of a corrupt pressure group?) then any popular insurgent cause is adequate to rally a population.
Our problem then is to refuse utterly to be forced into the position of revolutionaries. It is hard to do.
Somehow we must get these governments to clean up their own houses before they are carried down by the outraged mob. The end of that would be complete chaos.
The main area where they err is in attacking their own people. Justice is not for the poor. Any false report by any of these depraved pressure groups can get any individual or group into severe trouble. It costs vast sums of money to defend in modern courts. The average person does not have it. Therefore human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream.
The very basis of human rights is freedom from false accusations and from brutality and punishment without offense.
Somehow, government by prejudice and false report must end in the West or the West itself will end.
By bringing about real human rights, perhaps there would be enough cause in the West to be worth fighting for.
Somehow society in the West must be revitalized after decades of arduous degradation.
It will not be an easy feat. It is very hard to save a being or government who is bent whole-heartedly on self-destruction.
We are trying to get these governments to clean up their own houses and so preserve themselves.
We are trying to get the society to revitalize after decades in the mind of decayed animalism.
It’s a large order. But remember this, if we do not succeed then it is the end of the free “world and the probable end of everything we know of civilization.
On the other hand there are social groups and people without count who, given liaison with one another and a uniting of their sphere of influence, will help us.
We must try very hard to wipe out these attacks on us and refuse steadfastly to be forced into revolutionary activity or into the arms of insurgents organizing even now to destroy every government in the West.
If we, with no crimes on our hands, can be remorselessly attacked, if the bad hats only are protected and their crimes ignored, then we have a gauge of the task before us.
We are already reversing this trend.
We do have a chance of succeeding all the way. We are the only group in the West that is standing its ground and winning.
Copyright (c) 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. Better copy in legal size PDF format. ↩
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. ↩
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