BLACK PROPAGANDA, 1. about the most involved involved employment of PR is its covert use in destroying the repute of individuals and groups. More correctly this is technically called black propaganda. (HCO PL 11 May 71 III). 2. (black=bad or derogatory, propaganda=pushing out statements or ideas), the term used to destroy reputation or public belief in persons, companies or nations. It is a common tool of agencies who are seeking to destroy real or fancied enemies or seek dominance in some field. (HCO PL 21 Nov 72 I) 3. the activity called black propaganda consists of spreading lies by hidden sources. It inevitably results in injustices being done by those who operate without verifying the truth. (OODs 17 May 71)4. when PR is used for the destruction of ideals or institutions or repute of persons, it is called, traditionally, black PR. This is usually covert and a distortion of truth or a whole cloth fabrication. (HCO PL 7 Aug 72) 5. black propaganda is in its technical accuracy, a covert operation where unknown authors publicly effect a derogatory reaction and then remain unknown. (HCO PL 11 May 71 III) 6. a covert attack on the reputation of a person, company or nation using slander and lies in order to weaken or destroy. (HCO PL 21 Nov 72 I) 7. black PR also uses imagination in order to degrade or vilify or discredit an existing or fancied image. (HCO PL 7 Aug 72) Abbr. Black PR.
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.
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