OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 17 March 1988 OSA Network Order No. 281 OSA Int/Conts Execs Invest Staff Highly Confidential NOTES ON SMERSH (Originally written by LRH on 7 May 1971.) The case of WILHELM REICH is a very interesting case. His “Orgone Therapy theory” was under attack. He was jailed illegally for “contempt of court” […]
Dr. Wilhelm Reich
GO: Secret: Notes on Smersh
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
LRH ED: The Great Charity Swindle
EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE FROM L. RON HUBBARD LRH ED 66 INT Date 13 December 19681; 2 THE GREAT “CHARITY” SWINDLE One of the reasons Scientology is fought so hard and with such heavy finance and ferocity is that if it succeeded, it would then end one of the greatest “charity” swindles of all time. The group who […]