Hubbard’s SPs/Hitler’s Jews by Robert Vaughn Young (originally posted to the USENet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology 09/11/1997) There is a direct parallel between Hitler’s views of “Jewish vermin” and Hubbard’s views of “suppressive persons” (SPs) as well as their “final solutions” that I would like to make. Others might want to fill this out with some quotes […]
GO/ OSA NWO: Strategic Info
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS NETWORK ORDER OSA NW ORDER 32 5 April 19881; 2 OSA NW STRATEGIC INFO (Originally written by LRH on 6 March 1974. During this time period the strategy being operated on was to investigate and handle the spreading of false reports, harrassment and attempted genocide by government and police organizations […]
GO: Secret: Notes on Smersh
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
HCO Info Ltr: Ron’s Journal No. 3 Political Treatment
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO INFORMATION LETTER OF 4 APRIL 19691; 2 Remimeo BPI TO: All Orgs FROM: RON SUBJECT: RON’S JOURNAL 1969 NO.3 POLITICAL TREATMENT I’ve been studying the state of psychiatry and there can now be no doubt whatever that their “treatment” is political treatment and should be […]