Now that Tom Cruise v. Bauer Publishing has been dismissed, I will publish my November 11 letter to the defendants and their attorneys, who I understood at the time were involved in the case. My letter is relevant regarding the Scientologists’ Suppressive Person doctrine far beyond Cruise’s narrow claim against Bauer for the way they […]
Tom Cruise
Youtube: Tom Cruise on the SP Doctrine
Tom Cruise speaks on what it means to be a Scientologist, the Keeping Scientology Working and the Suppressive Person doctrine. Transcript 1 Announcer: But if that’s what Mr Cruise has brought to this world there still remains one more word on the man. Call it Tom Cruise on Tom Cruise, Scientologist. Tom Cruise: I think […]
SPDL: Tom Cruise: Still Executing the Suppressive Person Doctrine
Rob Driscoll, in The Western Mail, as reported on icwales September 17, 2004: “Vincent is complex, and angry, and damaged, and flawed,” says Cruise of his latest character.1 “That’s what’s most interesting about him to me. It wasn’t like I wanted to play a villain. I get offered a lot of different things and I […]
SPDL: Tom Cruise: Executing the Suppressive Person Doctrine
Over the last six weeks, and erupting in the September Rolling Stone cover article, Tom Cruise has been talking up a volcano of media about his role as the hit man Vincent in the movie Collateral, and his character’s “antisocial personality.” He even had a ninety minute tête-à-tête two weeks ago with the French Minister […]
Article: The Passion of the Cruise
FOR THE FIRST TIME, Tom Cruise opens up about Scientology — the faith that drives his life, his family and his career — and if you don’t like it, well, screw you […] We sit down on the couch, and Lee Anne puts in a video. It is a tape of Tom Cruise speaking at […]