HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 11 MAY 19711; 2; 3 Issue II Remimeo PR Series 7 BLACK PR About the most involved employment of PR is its covert use in destroying the repute of individuals and groups. More correctly this is technically called BLACK PROPAGANDA. Basically it […]
GO: Secret, Working Theory
GUARDIAN ORDER S E C R E T GO 060571 LRH 6 May 19711 WORKING THEORY What is called an “Intelligence Hypothesis” (working intelligence theory for a given situation) is of vital necessity in extending an org’s reach and economizing on action and work while increasing effectiveness. So far we have been using an “Intelligence […]
Note: Extracts from LRH Communication
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
Desp.: Re: Further LRH remarks…
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
Transcript: Concerning Intelligence
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
HCOPL: Battle Tactics
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 16 FEBRUARY 19691; 2; 3 ISSUE II REISSUED 24 SEPTEMBER 1987 (Reissued with updated distribution.) Limited Distribution: IMEC OSA NW LRH PRs Confidential BATTLE TACTICS (This is a defense paper on material developed after 18 years of ceaseless attack by a foreign […]