SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-19 19 January 19851 Revised 8 May 1997 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior HCOs Senior Quals (This Flag Order was originally issued as FO 3875, RPF Series 23 [same title]. It is hereby revised to clarify the purpose and use of waivers for the RPF and to correct the […]
Flag Order: RPF Graduation
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-9 10 March 19841 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals Senior C/S Int Office Inspector General Network (This Flag Order was originally issued as FO 3863, RPF Series 16, RPF GRADUATION. Reissued 8 May 1997 to correct the FO and RPF Series numbers.) RPF Series 9 RPF GRADUATION Regardless […]
Flag Order: RPF Graduation—Additional Data
SEA ORGANIZATION 3 March 1984 1 Revised 8 May 1997 FLAG ORDER 3434RE-31 RTC Senior C/S Int Office Senior Quals SO Orgs and Units RPFs (This Flag Order was originally issued as FO 3863-1RA RPF Series 17R. [same title.] It is hereby revised to update post titles in accordance with modern org boards, to further […]
HCOB: Pretended PTS
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 FEBRUARY 19841; 2 (Also issued as an HCO PL, same date and title.) Remimeo Execs MAA/EO Hat HCO Tech/Qual C/Ses Sec Checkers De-PTSers PTS Packs SSOs Missionaires C/S Series 118 PRETENDED PTS (This data is also issued as an HCO PL so […]
HCOPL: Pretended PTS
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 28 FEBRUARY 19841 (Also issued as an HCOB, same date and title) Remimeo Execs MAA/EO Hat HCO Tech/Qual C/Ses Sec Checkers De-PTSers PTS Packs SSOs Missionaires C/S Series 118 PRETENDED PTS Cover-up and Justification of Black PR and Evil Purposes (This data […]
Flag Order: RPF Board of Review
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-12 26 February 19841 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals (This Flag Order cancels and replaces FO 3434RD-30R, RPF Series 12, RPF BOARD OF REVIEW and FO 3434RD-56R, RPF Series 21, RPF GRADUATES AND REPRIEVES which both contained non-LRH data on the subject of RPF Boards of Review.) RPF […]