SPDL Note: Scientology’s “Tone Scale,”1 invented by cult founder L. Ron Hubbard, is a graduated scale of emotions each of which is given an arbitrary numerical value such as “Enthusiasm” (4.0), “Boredom” (2.5), “Antagonism” (2.0), “Anger” (1.5), “Covert Hostility” (1.1), ” Grief” (.5), and “Apathy” (0.05). Hubbard and Scientology teach that anything above 2.0 (Antagonism) […]
Suppressive Person
Article: Tech to Make You Total Cause Over Suppression
TECH TO MAKE YOU TOTAL CAUSE OVER SUPPRESSION![1. From International Scientology News Issue 18 (2001 CSI) The BRAND-NEW “How to Confront and Shatter Suppression” Course in 15 languages, can make you impervious to suppression — so you can flourish and prosper in life, and rocket up to OT. “‘In fact LRH was once asked […]
Magazine: Living Issue 351 (cover)
CSI (2001). Living: Magazine of the Church of Scientology of Tampa Major No. 351.
Ad: Suppression is easy to spot…
Suppression is easy to spot — if you know your basics. That’s why Science of Survival is the first book you’ll read on the How to Confront and Shatter Suppression Course.1 When you’re dealing with a creature as insidious as a suppressive, you’d better know how to spot his 1.1 behavior before he can wreak […]
Hubbard’s SPs/Hitler’s Jews
Hubbard’s SPs/Hitler’s Jews by Robert Vaughn Young (originally posted to the USENet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology 09/11/1997) There is a direct parallel between Hitler’s views of “Jewish vermin” and Hubbard’s views of “suppressive persons” (SPs) as well as their “final solutions” that I would like to make. Others might want to fill this out with some quotes […]
Promo: You can dream of a cleared planet or go through hell and high water to make one
You can dream of a cleared planet or go through hell and high water to make one1 Right now Missionaires are training to be top notch Sec Checkers to locate SPs wherever they are impeding org expansion, take them out and get orgs producing out the roof. Notes From Highwinds Issue 20 (1997) ↩