Launching the biggest-ever Dianetics campaign1 PLANETARY CLEARING FOR REAL “No, it’s not the enemy. We cream them whenever they raise their heads. — Guillaume Lesevre, Executive Director Church of Scientology International. Notes From International Scientology News Issue 21 (2002 CSI) ↩
Suppressive Person
Article: “2001 saw us shooting down SPs like ducks in a pond.”
SPDL note: All of the people in this audience heard Scientology leader David Miscavige announce that 2001 saw the cult “shooting down SPs like ducks in a pond.” None these people protested. All of these people cheered. People with any humanity left in them would be horrified. And to make ever safer environments to expand […]
Promo: How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course
Magazine: Interview with Nancy Cartwright
CELEBRITY: You have done many courses in these years despite a hectic and busy schedule. NANCY: I’ve done a lot: HQS, Student Hat, Pro TRs, KTL, LOC, PTS/SP Course, the Art Course, the Ethics Specialist Course — you name it.1 CELEBRITY: Which course stands out to you as being key to succeed as an artist […]
Article: The IAS: The Nemesis of Suppression
THE IAS: THE NEMESIS OF SUPPRESSION “We won’t stop until those SPs have been shattered,” said Mr. Rinder. “Because we do have the tech and the truth.” Notes
Article: Major victories against suppression…
Major victories against suppression bring us another step closer to achieving the Aims of Scientology on Earth1 Along with bringing LRH tech to all levels of society, comes creating a safe environment in which we can provide that tech to ever greater numbers of people. To that end, Mr. Mike Rinder briefed those at the […]